Tools/Utilities Devart LINQ Insight for Visual Studio - All Here


5 Май 2008
Devart LINQ Insight for Visual Studio
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Посмотреть вложение 2016

LINQ Insight is a Visual Studio Add-on that provides a complete set of tools for the quick and easy development of LINQ / ORM and helps you to efficiently generate data access code. This add-on allows you to run LINQ queries at design time directly from Visual Studio without having to start debugging. LINQ Insight also provides a powerful ORM tool for accessing data profiles from your project. LINQ Insight enables you to test the LINQ Query at runtime.

LINQ Insight has been released in two versions. Express version and standard version. The Express version provides the generated sql generated and the data access event profile for ORM.

Features LINQ Insight:
  • Test LINQ queries immediately after writing them
  • Estimated complexity of SQL analysis generated
  • Checking the return of the correct query information
  • Project your project and track all ORM and Query Database from ORM. This enables you to view the function of the data access code.
  • Measure the performance of the data access code and analyze them easily
  • Edit data, return by LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities. All data update operations are done through ORM. You can edit several objects, then apply changes or discard them.
  • Filter data by entering the filter string into the filter box in the LINQ toolbar window
  • View the parameters of sql, return data
  • A powerful tool for filtering profile information by calling the method
Execute LINQ Queries at Design-Time and Profile ORM Data Access with LINQ Insight!
LINQ Insight is a Visual Studio add-in that provides a complete set of tools that make LINQ/ORM development faster and easier, and helps you to produce more efficient data access code. It allows executing LINQ queries at design-time directly from Visual Studio without starting a debug session, allowing you to test queries instantly after you write them. LINQ Insight also provides a powerful ORM profiler tool for profiling the data access layer of your projects and tracking all the ORM calls and database queries from the ORM.

Design-time LINQ Query Execution
How to use LINQ Insight: place cursor on the query and press CTRL+SHIFT+R, specify parameter values, and view the generated SQL and returned data.

LINQ Insight allows you to test LINQ queries at design-time. Unlike different LINQ debug visualizers, LINQ Insight does not require you to start debugging and step to the LINQ query execution for viewing returned data and generated SQL.

  • Test your LINQ queries instantly after you write them
  • Estimate the query complexity analyzing the generated SQL
  • Check if the query returns correct data
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Powerful ORM Profiler
LINQ Profiler screenshot

LINQ Insight offers you LINQ Profiler - a powerful tool that allows you to profile your projects and track all the ORM calls and database queries from the ORM. It enables you to see the performance of the data access code and easily determine performance bottlenecks.

  • Get insight into all the interaction with ORM and database
  • Measure performance of your data access code and analyze it easily
  • Start profiling instantly without the need to modify your project
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Free Edition Available!
LINQ Insight comes in two Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся - free Express edition and Standard edition. Express edition provides viewing of generated SQL and profiling data access events for ORMs. It also contains the 30-day free trial of LINQ Insight Standard edition, which allows you to view data returned by LINQ queries and to profile ORM calls.

Supported LINQ Providers
  • LINQ to Entities (Entity Framework)
  • LINQ to NHibernate
  • LINQ to SQL
  • LinqConnect
  • LINQ to XML
  • LINQ to Objects
  • RavenDB
Installation guide: This is a Retail version and does not require crack and registry. Use the companion patches to register the version 3.5 Beta.

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